There are 16 countries to be worked and confirmed on 12 meters band
Number Prefix Country Continent
1 3B7 Agalega & St Brandon AF
2 3Y/B Bouvet AF
3 4W East Timor OC
4 BS7H Scarborough Reef AS
5 BV9P Pratas Island AS
6 EZ Turkmenistan AS
7 FR/G Glorioso Island AF
8 FT5W Crozet AF
9 FT5X Kerguelen Island AF
10 JD1/M Minami Torishima OC
11 KH3 Johnston Island OC
12 P5 North Korea AS
13 SV/A Mount Athos EU
14 VK9X Christmas Island OC
15 YK Syria AS
16 ZL8 Kermadec Island OC