There are 14 deleted countries
Click at the desired callsign to see the QSL

Number Prefix Country Continent Phone CW
1 8Z4 Saudi Arabia/Iraq NZ AS HZ1BS/8Z4 8Z4A
2 A1 Abu Ail & Jabal at Tair AS J20/Z A15AA
3 DM German Dem. Rep. EU DM2AUF DM2CBE
4 HK0/B Bajo Nuevo NA HK0AB
5 HK0/S Serrana Bank NA HK0AA
6 KH5K Kingman Reef OC WA2FIJ/KH5K N9NS/KH5K
7 KZ5 Canal Zone NA KZ5HI
8 OK/D Czechoslovakia EU OK2BSA OK3UL
9 PJ2/D Netherland Antilles SA PJ2AAX PJ2/K1RM
10 PJ7/D Saint Maarten & Saba NA K1CO/PJ7 K4PI/PJ7
11 R1M Malyj Vysotskij Island EU 4J1FS 4J1FS
12 ST0/D Southern Sudan AF ST0RK PA3CXC/ST0
13 ZS0 Penguin Islands AF ZS9AAA/1 DL8CM/ZS1
14 ZS9 Walvis Bay AF ZS1IS ZS3LK/3